May Newsletter and Summer Workshop

Friday, May 03, 2013 12:34 PM | Deleted user

School Safety Matters

School Safety Matters is a monthly newsletter produced by the Beaverton School District’s Risk Management Department to be used as a resource for school safety committees.   Some information in the newsletter is BSD specific, but the majority of the focus is on general school safety best practices.   To view the May edition of School Safety MattersClick Here. For previous editions visit  under Topical Resources.

Summer Workshop

Mark your calendars for the 35th annual OSSSOA Summer Workshop July 23rd at the Riverhouse in Bend Oregon.  The theme of this year’s workshop is Can You Afford.. and the focus is on strategies to avoid losses that districts cannot afford.  We will address athletic field and play surface safety,  School Safety and Security, and Safety Within Special Ed. To register and to view the full agenda workshop, Click Here.

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Let OSSOA help you. If you send your question to OSSOA at, we can send it out to 250 + other school official members that may be able to help.